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Rwanda, a country known for its remarkable resilience and commitment to progress, has embarked on a journey of transformation to overcome its past and build a prosperous future. With a focus on inclusive growth and sustainable development, Rwanda has identified key sectors such as Manufacturing, Agro-processing, Tourism, Real Estate and Construction, ICT, Mining, Energy, Transport, and Logistics as drivers of economic growth.

In line with this vision, Saratoga Solutions Company is proposing to partner with the Rwandan Government to host a 7 Days Event tagged ‘Kigali Summer Fest’ which will commence with an Investors’ Forum themed “Creating Sustainable Economy in the Face of Global Depression: New Ideas, New Initiatives in the African Economy”. This forum is designed to gather investors from all over the world in a conference in Kigali, to discuss and explore the possibilities of investing in Rwanda, which according to the AfDB is one of the fastest growing African economies.

The Kigali Summer Fest will also feature a plethora of other fun activities aimed at positively engaging the myriad of visitors already in the country as well as driving more tourism traffic to Kigali, with a view to making the country a tourist destination of choice.

  • Harnessing Local Content For Sustainable Manufacturing in Africa; the key to Africa’s Economic Libera on
  • The Green and Circular Economy; Catalyst for Poverty Eradication in Africa
  • Bottlenecks in Continental Free Trade: Challenges and Opportunities for Economic Integration in Africa
  • Policy Reforms, Transparent Trade Facilitation on Measures and Continental Free Trade. Which Way Africa?


The Kigali Summer Fest which is scheduled to take place from the 9th to the 16th of August, 2024, is designed to strategically position Kigali on the global tourism map, taking into account the creative energy, artistry and the entrepreneurial spirit of the Rwanda people, that will be on display.


  • Create a Spirit of Kigali Float as a national concept

  • Take the Spirit of Kigali float to Notting Hill Carnival in London

  • …why?

  • Give Africans in Diaspora a taste of what is happening back


  • Showcase the rich cultural heritage of Rwanda and further

    association with international festival audiences abroad.


Increase visibility and presence of Rwandese among key audiences in the UK, and consequently, entrench Rwanda as a cultural haven in the international festival space thus giving more reason for the VISIT RWANDA mantra


Economic Growth

The festival will stimulate economic activity in Kigali, creating opportunities for local artisans, vendors, and businesses to showcase their products and services.

Community Engagement

The Unity Walk and children's games will promote social cohesion and community participation, encouraging active involvement from citizens of all ages.

Networking Opportunities

Participants will have the chance to network with industry leaders, policymakers, and influencers, fostering collaboration and partnership opportunities.


The Kigali Summer Fest promise to be an unforgettable celebration of culture, music, fun, showcasing the best of Rwanda and Africa to the world. By bringing together diverse communities and fostering collaboration and exchange, the festival will contribute to the growth and prosperity of Rwanda’s economy while promoting unity and cultural appreciation. We invite you to join us in making history and creating lasting memories at the inaugural Kigali Summer Fest.